Our security is dependent upon God’s grip on us, not our grip on Him.      We were created to walk in fellowship with God and enjoy His presence.  In that knowledge of Him we are told in Hosea 6:3, “So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord.  He will come …

Not Yet Obtained

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, Philippians 3:12 Many are satisfied with their progress in the Christian faith.  They attend church regularly, and perhaps even participate in a Sunday School class.  They may tithe regularly, take part in Bible studies, and serve on church boards.  They are …

Mark or Blur

Live life in such a way to leave a mark, not a blur. Lorne Sanny Webster’s dictionary defines a blur as follows.  “To obscure, soil, or blemish by smearing; to smudge, to make dim or indistinct to the sight.  A smear or stain which obscures without effacing.”  It is something which cannot be depended upon …

This is the Day

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24      It had been a long day.  We saddled up early in the morning and took the horses up above timberline to a remote Colorado Lake.  The three of us fished, and spent most of the …

Leadership Development

Leadership Development Christianity is always one generation from extinction.  In Judges 2:10 we read these sobering words:  “After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel.”  Each generation must supply the succeeding generations with not only disciples and …

Develop laborers

To know Christ in my own life in ever increasing depth and to make disciples AND DEVELOP LABORERS at all times under any conditions in every place I go.      The statement above is the personal objective of the Kansas Navigator ministry teams.  It emphasizes the need for a deep knowledge of the Lord …

Make Disciples

My Objective is to know Christ in my own life in ever increasing depth and to MAKE DISCIPLES, and develop laborers at all times, under any conditions, in every place I go.   The above statement has been a part of the Kansas Navigators team for many years and is based on Philippians 3:10, John …