The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 9:10      Wisdom is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as “the ability to judge soundly and deal sagaciously with facts especially as they relate to life, conduct, discernment and judgment.”  These characteristics are sought after in each generation and in every culture.  Those individuals …

Problem … or Promise

We can lead Problem oriented lives, or we can lead Promise oriented lives. Jim Morris We are born with individual temperaments which vary from person to person.  These are additionally influenced by the environment in which we live.  Some people see the glass as half-full.  Others see it as half-empty.  We call these individuals optimists …

Well Done

His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25:21       On two occasions our Lord spoke of the Master commending His servants.  One of these is in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25) and the other is in Luke 19. (The parable of the minas).  In both cases, it was …

Tell Archippus

Tell Archippus:  See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord. Colossians 4:17 Archippus is referred to in the last sentences of Paul’s letter to the Colossians.  He is also mentioned in Philemon 2, and referred to as a fellow soldier.  Some think that he was the son of Philemon.  …

The Peanut Butter Jar

 I think that I would rather use a  clean peanut jar.  Leroy Eims There had been a large meeting at the Eims’ household the previous evening.  Many guests attended and the conversations lasted well into the night.  It was past midnight when everyone left and they left the dirty dishes and glasses where they were …

We ARE the message

God does not send us WITH a message. We ARE the message. “There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John.”  (John1:6) God does not send just words only.  He sends people whose lives have been changed by His Word.  We cannot preach with words only.  They are emptied of their …